It’s been a turbulent week for at least one of the 13 remaining couples but that’s behind them now and their sights are on surviving the 3rd elimination. But one of our couple’s Strictly journey has just ended. Whilst the BBC might want you to wait longer than usual to find out the eliminated couple fortunately the internet is on hand to give you the information you crave. So here are the results……..
Katie and Charles had to dance off. The judges saved Charles. Katie was eliminated
Complaints to the BBC
This week’s spoiler has come from an audience mole through my usual sources and should be accurate.
Normally I’d have some winners to tell you about but real life has gotten in the way and I haven’t managed to do the prize draws yet. I’ll try and get these done tomorrow and will update this post or post the winners on the elimination post.
Do you want to win prizes? All you have to do is get involved in the discussion right here at the home of the Strictly Spoiler or over on Facebook or Twitter (on Twitter tag @davejthorp and include #StrictlySpoiler). You can read all about the competition and how to get involved here.
Or you can get involved on Facebook or Twitter by liking, sharing, reacting to or retweeting the post linking to this post and it could be you winning the social media bonus prize up for grabs each week.
You can also vote in this week’s poll and tell me who your week 4 favourites were. You can select up to 3 choices.
[poll id=”73″]
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