Strictly Come Dancing 2018 – Week 10 Spoilers

If you read this post last night you’ll have seen big bold unconfirmed disclaimers all over it as the results were not confirmed by any of my sources with a mole last night. They have now been confirmed by a mole and should be accurate

Strictly is back from its Blackpool holidays and for 6 of our remaining couples next week’s quarter final beckons. But who has made it through and who has been eliminated. In some marginally more organised results than the results of the Lindy Hop a thon I can reveal that…….

Graeme and Ashley had to dance off. The judges saved Ashley (obviously). Graeme was eliminated.

Complaints to the BBC

This week’s spoiler was unconfirmed at the time of posting but has since been confirmed by an audience mole though my usual sources and should be accurate

What do you think of the result? You can let me know your thoughts right here in the comments section below or over on Facebook or Twitter. Each time you get involved in the discussion you earn an entry to win a £20 Amazon UK voucher. On twitter remember to tag @davejthorp and include #StrictlySpoiler

Operating this site now costs me several hundred pounds a month in hosting costs. If you can afford to and want to help me out with these costs or just want to buy me a beer you can do so using THIS LINK or the button below

You can also vote in this week’s poll and tell me who your favourites were from this week. As always I’ll allow you to pick up to 3 options

[poll id=”79″]

I should have an extra spoiler to share with you guys as the Christmas Special is being filmed on Monday so keep an eye out for that one!

Finally please give this post a good old like or share using the buttons for all major social networks and google+. Your likes and shares help to spread the word about The Strictly Spoiler and really do help me out

Strictly Come Dancing 2018 – Week 10 Discussion/Poll

The business end of the competition is just a Lindy Hop (athon) skip and a jump away for the 7 remaining couples and after last week’s trip to Blackpool the couples are dancing on more familiar ground.

But who has (lindy) hopped straight into next week’s Quarter Final? And who should have stayed in Blackpool? You can let me know your thoughts about that or anything else to do with tonight’s show right here in the comments section below.

Or head on over to Facebook or Twitter and join the communities there and let them know your thoughts about tonight’s show. On Twitter please remember to tag @davejthorp and include #StrictlySpoiler.

Each time you get involved in the discussion you earn an entry into the prize draw to win a £20 Amazon UK Voucher.

As always a poll will open right here after the carnage that will probably be The Lindy Hop athon. You will be able to select up to 3 options.

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Did you know that operating this site now costs me several hundred pounds a month to operate and provide several powerful web servers to keep the site up at peak times. If you want to and can afford to help me out with these costs (or just want to buy me a beer) you can do so using THIS LINK or the button below

Spoiler is expected some time after 22:30 tonight. Best place to be if you don’t want to refresh away here (although by all means refresh away if you like as the site can handle it now – touch wood) is over on Facebook or Twitter. Both those networks will be pinged as soon as I post the spoiler

Strictly Come Dancing 2018 – Week 9 (Blackpool) Spoilers

Strictly hit the bright lights of Blackpool and Craig remembered to pack his 10 paddle which helped propel Ashley and Pasha right to the top of the Tower and the leaderboard with the first 40 of the series. But you aren’t here to read about that. You’re here to read about the press attention I’ve had this last week. Only joking! Of course you are here to learn the Strictly results and there’s no need to wait when The Strictly Spoiler is on hand to give you the results you crave. So here are the results……….

Graeme and Kate had to dance off. The judges unanimously saved Graeme. Kate was eliminated

Complaints to the BBC

This week’s spoiler has come from an audience mole sourced through my usual sources and has also been confirmed by a mole sourced by myself and should be accurate.

Operating this website now costs me several hundred pounds a month to provide multiple high powered servers to keep it up at peak times. If you can afford to and want to help me out with these costs or just want to buy me a christmas present or some much needed beer you can use THIS LINK or the button below

Normally got winners to tell you about but real life and the press attention got in the way. Keep an eye on your inboxes because I’ll be in touch with some of you tomorrow morning!

Do you wan to win prizes? All you need to do to get involved is join the discussion right here at the home of The Strictly Spoiler. Or head on over to Facebook or Twitter and you can join the communities there. On Twitter please remember to tag @davejthorp and include #StrictlySpoiler

You can also vote in this week’s poll and tell me who your Blackpool favourites were. As always you can pick up to 3 options.

[poll id=”78″]

Finally please give this post a good old like and share using the buttons for all popular social networks and Google+ above and below