Vick Hope Eliminated From Strictly Come Dancing 2018

As revealed in last night’s Strictly Spoiler Vick and Graziano have been eliminated after losing in the dance off to Seann and Katya.

You can relive their Quickstep from Week 4 in the video below

Did the right couple leave? As always you can let me know your thoughts on that right here in the comments section below (comments will only appear if you are clicked into an individual post and are not on the homepage)

Or you can join the communities on Facebook or Twitter and let me know your thoughts. On Twitter make sure you tag @davejthorp and include the hashtag #StrictlySpoiler

You can also still vote in this week’s poll and tell me who your favourites from week 5 were. You can select up to 3 options

[poll id=”74″]

This website now costs me hundreds of pounds a month to host and 8 servers were needed at peak times last night to keep the site up. If you can afford to and want to help me out with these spiralling costs you can do so using THIS LINK (preferred) or you can use the button below

Katie Piper Eliminated From Strictly Come Dancing 2018

As revealed in last night’s Strictly Spoiler Katie and Gorka have been eliminated after losing in the Dance Off to Charles and Karen.

You can relive their movie week routine from last week in the video below:

Did the right couple leave? You can let me know your thoughts on that or anything else right here in the comments section or head on over to Facebook or Twitter using the links above and join the discussion. Each time you do you earn an entry into the competition to win a £20 Amazon UK voucher.

On the subject of the competition real life got in the way of me doing this week’s draws. I will catch up in the next couple of days.

Do I provide you with a valuable service? Hosting this website now costs hundreds of pounds per month so I can keep it up at peak times. If you can afford to and want to help me out you can donate using the button below or THIS LINK

You can also vote in this week’s poll and tell me who your favourites from week 4 were. As always I’ll let you choose up to 3 options

[poll id=”73″]


Lee Ryan Eliminated From Strictly Come Dancing 2018

As revealed in last night’s Strictly Spoiler Lee and Nadiya have been eliminated after losing in the Dance Off to Charles and Karen

You can relive their movie week dance in the video below

Did the right couple leave? You can let me know your thoughts about that or anything else to do with tonight’s not live results show right here in the comments or over on Facebook or Twitter. Each time you get involved with the discussion you earn an entry and a chance to win a £20 Amazon UK voucher

On the subject of prizes the 4th Social Media Bonus Prize has this week been won by someone on Facebook so check your messages if you reacted to or shared the spoiler post as you could be a winner.

You can still vote in this week’s poll and tell me who your Movie Week favourites were. As always up to 3 options may be chosen.

[poll id=”71″]

This website currently costs me several hundred pounds each month to host. If you can afford to and want to help me out with these costs or just want to buy me a beer you can donate using THIS LINK (preferred) or the button below. Due to some rogue ads I’ve had to completely shut down one of my advertising networks this weekend so donations are even more appreciated than normal

Please also give this post a good old like/share using the buttons above and below for all popular social networks and Google+