Charles Venn Eliminated From Strictly Come Dancing 2018

As revealed in last night’s Strictly Spoiler Dance Off Veterans Charles and Karen have been eliminated after losing to the only other couple to be in a Dance Off so far this series: Ashley and Pasha

You can relive their Couple’s Choice in the style of Street/Commercial in the video below

Did the right couple leave? You can let me know your thoughts right here in the comments section or head on over to Facebook or Twitter and let me know your thoughts there. On Twitter please tag @davejthorp and include #StrictlySpoiler in your comments

My hosting bill for this site for November came to almost £300. If you can afford to and want to help me out with these costs or if you just want to buy me a Christmas present or a beer you can do so using THIS LINK or the button below

This week’s poll is also still open and you can tell me this week who your 4 finalists are. You can select 4 options

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Also don’t forget that I’ve still got your Christmas presents all wrapped up in the form of the Christmas Special Spoiler. You know you want to take a peek

Graeme Swann Eliminated From Strictly Come Dancing 2018

As revealed in this morning’s Strictly Spoiler, Dance Off Veterans Graeme and Oti have been eliminated after ending up in a no win Dance Off with Ashley and Pasha

You can relive their couple’s choice routine in the style of Theatre/Jazz in the video below:

I think I know the answer to this question but I’m going to ask it anyway…… Did the right couple leave? As always you can let me know your thoughts about that or anything else to do with this weekend’s shows right here in the comments section below (only viewable on an individual post and not the homepage). Or why not join the communities on Facebook or Twitter and let me know your thoughts there. On Twitter please remember to tag @davejthorp and include the hashtag #StrictlySpoiler

Operating and hosting this website now costs me several hundred pounds in hosting costs to provide high powered servers (and man were a lot of them needed last night) to keep the site up at peak times. If you can afford to and want to help me out with these costs or just want to buy me a beer you can do so using THIS LINK or the button below. All donations large and small are gratefully received.

This week’s poll is still open to vote in. Who were your week 10 favourites? You can select up to 3 options

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Kate Silverton Eliminated From Strictly Come Dancing 2018

As revealed in last night’s Strictly Spoiler, Kate and Aljaž have been eliminated after losing in the dance off to dance off regulars Graeme and Oti.

You can relive their quickstep from week 8 in the video below:

Did the right couple leave? As always you can let me know your thoughts about that or anything else to do with this weekend’s Blackpool extravaganza right here in the comments section or head on over to Facebook or Twitter (on Twitter tag @davejthorp and include #StrictlySpoiler in your comments)

Did you know that hosting and operating this site now costs me several hundred pounds a month in hosting costs and other operating costs. If you want to, and can afford to help me out with these costs or just want to buy me a beer or a Christmas present you can do so using THIS LINK or the button below

Finally don’t forget you can still tell me who rocked for you in Blackpool by voting in this week’s poll. You can select up to 3 options

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