Strictly Come Dancing 2018 – Week 12 (Semi Final) Songs/Dances

Just two (or possibly 3 if they land in the final Dance Off) dances now separate the remaining 5 couples from a place in the final and a chance to lift the Glitterball. With double the dances there is double the chance of putting a foot wrong and ending up in the final spoiler post of the series. The BBC have just released details of the semi final dances and I can reveal that……..

  • Ashley and Pasha Paso Doble to ‘Spectrum (Say My Name)’ Florence + The Machine and American Smooth to ‘Ain’t That a Kick In The Head’ by Dean Martin
  • Faye and Giovanni Samba to ‘I Go To Rio’ by Pablo Cruise and Argentine Tango to ‘La Cumparsita’ by Machiko Ozawa
  • Joe and Dianne Argentine Tango to ‘Red Right Hand’ by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds and Viennese Waltz to ‘This Year’s Love’ by David Gray
  • Lauren and AJ Tango to ‘Nutbush City’ by Limits Tina Turner and Samba to ‘Rock The Boat’ by The Hues Corporation
  • Stacey and Kevin Charleston to ‘Five Foot Two Eyes Of Blue’ by Spike Jones and Viennese Waltz to ‘You’re My World’ by Cilla Black

Complaints to the BBC

What do you think of the song choices? As always you can let me know your thoughts right here in the comments section or over on Facebook/Twitter using the links above.

Operating and hosting this site cost me close to £300 last month. If you can afford to and want to help me out with these costs or just want to buy me a beer you can do so using THIS LINK or the button below

You can still vote in this week’s poll and tell me who your finalists are. You can select 4 options

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Finally please give this post a good old like and share using the buttons above and below for all popular social networks and Google+

Charles Venn Eliminated From Strictly Come Dancing 2018

As revealed in last night’s Strictly Spoiler Dance Off Veterans Charles and Karen have been eliminated after losing to the only other couple to be in a Dance Off so far this series: Ashley and Pasha

You can relive their Couple’s Choice in the style of Street/Commercial in the video below

Did the right couple leave? You can let me know your thoughts right here in the comments section or head on over to Facebook or Twitter and let me know your thoughts there. On Twitter please tag @davejthorp and include #StrictlySpoiler in your comments

My hosting bill for this site for November came to almost £300. If you can afford to and want to help me out with these costs or if you just want to buy me a Christmas present or a beer you can do so using THIS LINK or the button below

This week’s poll is also still open and you can tell me this week who your 4 finalists are. You can select 4 options

[poll id=”80″]

Also don’t forget that I’ve still got your Christmas presents all wrapped up in the form of the Christmas Special Spoiler. You know you want to take a peek

Strictly Come Dancing 2018 – Week 11 (Musicals Week) Spoilers

Strictly hit the musicals and hopefully I can hit the sack a little earlier than I did with last week’s late Strictly Spoiler that broke all site records with over 675k page views over the course of the weekend. Even with a two for one on spoilers this week with The Christmas Special Spoiler it’s going to be hard to match last week but I’m sure you guys will try. Anyway enough waffle, you are here to learn the results. So here they are……..

Charles and Ashley had to dance off. The judges (unanimously) saved Ashley. Charles was eliminated!

Complaints to the BBC

This week’s spoiler has come from an audience mole through my usual sources and should be accurate.

My hosting bill for this site came to nearly £300 in November. If you can afford to and want to help me out with these costs, or just want to buy me a beer or an early Christmas present you can do so using THIS LINK or the button below.

You can still vote in this week’s poll and tell me who your finalists are. You can select 4 options

[poll id=”80″]

Winners to tell you about. Well done to Gerry on Facebook and Christine on Twitter who won £20 Amazon vouchers this week. The winner here at the home of The Strictly Spoiler has been contacted so check your inboxes

Do you want to win prizes? All you need to do is join the discussion right here at the home of The Strictly Spoiler in the comments section below. Or you can head on over to Facebook or Twitter and join the discussions there. On Twitter tag @davejthorp in your comments and include #StrictlySpoiler

Finally please give this post a good old like/share using the buttons above and below for all popular social networks and Google+. Your likes and shares do help me out