Predict The 2019 Couples – David James

Ok so we’ve a few weeks before the pairings spoiler so we’re going to play a game over the next few days and try to predict the pairings.

Each day over the next few weeks I’m going to open a poll and you can vote for which professional dancer you think that celebrity will be partnered with at the end of the month. Taking the contestants in the order they were announced we start with David James

You can vote in the poll below or let me know your thoughts over on Facebook or Twitter.

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You can also still vote in my poll and say who your favourites are from the class of 2019 right HERE so be sure to check that out

Operating this website costs me over £300 a month in hosting costs. If you can afford to and want to help me out with these costs or if you just want to buy me a cool refreshing beer you can do so using THIS LINK or the button below

Or if you are unable to support me with a direct financial donation you can support me for free and earn yourself a not too shabby £50 credit on your energy bill if you check your prices and switch using MY LINK. Bulb will pay your exit fees and have 100% green energy at low prices. Win for the planet and win for your pocket!

Finally you can read about the numerous other ways you can support me and the work I do including more free options and additional ways to make a cash donation HERE

Finally (really this time) please give this post a good old like/share using the buttons for all popular social networks above and below or over on Facebook or Twitter. Your likes and shares help spread the word about The Strictly Spoiler and really do help me out!

Class Of 2019 – Who Are Your Favourites? (poll)

So with the class of 2019 now complete I can announce that dancing for your pleasure in a few weeks will be…….

David James
Chris Ramsey
Emma Barton
Saffron Barker
Catherine Tyldesley
Mike Bushell
Karim Zeroual
Viscountess Emma Weymouth
Michelle Visage
Will Bayley
Jamie Laing
Alex Scott
Dev Griffin
James Cracknell
Anneka Rice

But who are your favourites? You can let me know in the poll below. You can select as many options as you like!

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That’s it for the reveals but the fun doesn’t stop there here at the home of the Strictly Spoiler. In the coming days I will have details of the 2019 competition with Amazon Vouchers and Apple iPads up for grabs this is going to be a huge one!

The launch show is also being filmed towards the end of this month and I should as always have the pairings spoiler for you a week before the launch show is broadcast!

Then the fun really begins as I start cranking the website up to eleven so it will cope with the mass influx of traffic once the spoilers begin to roll in. At some point in September you may have issues accessing the site whilst I move it over to the new servers ready for Strictly Season.

These servers are not cheap and last series it cost me over £1000 in hosting costs for the period Strictly runs for. If you can afford to and want to help me out with these costs or if you just want to buy me a cool refreshing beer you can do so using THIS LINK or the button below

Or if you are unable to support me with a direct financial donation you can support me for free and earn yourself a not too shabby £50 credit on your energy bill if you check your prices and switch using MY LINK. Bulb will pay your exit fees and have 100% green energy at low prices. Win for the planet and win for your pocket!

Finally you can read about the numerous other ways you can support me and the work I do including more free options and additional ways to make a cash donation HERE

Strictly Come Dancing 2018 – Christmas Special Discussion/Poll

First of all Merry Christmas all!!!!

We may already know who wins tonight’s Christmas Special thanks to The Strictly Spoiler but for one last time this year you can get involved with the discussion right here at the home of the Strictly Spoiler. Or head on over to Facebook or Twitter and join the discussions there! There will not be anything like my usual levels of commentary on those networks as it’s Christmas! But you can still get involved in the discussion. No prizes either this week (sorry) even though it’s Christmas

A poll is set to automatically open right here at the home of The Strictly Spoiler at 18:15 by which time I hope all 6 couples will have danced so check back then and tell me who your three favourites were

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I never got around to migrating the site back to cheaper hosting as I planned to last week however I will probably get this competed when the Christmas Special traffic is over and done with. Hopefully the move won’t be as intense or involve any downtime as I’ve discovered that there is a cheaper solution with my current host which will be fine for the off season (but not fine during Strictly Season) so I may just move it over to that which will be a little easier.

Operating and hosting this website will have cost me close to £1000 by the end of the year. If you can afford to and want to help me out with these costs or just want to buy me a beer or if you are feeling festive you can do so using THIS LINK or the button below