Strictly Come Dancing 2018 – Week 7 Discussion/Poll

It’s week SEVEEERRRRRNNNNN and the horrors of Halloween Week are but a distant memory and now the 10 remaining couples are focused on Blackpool in 2 weeks time.

But who will be eating fish and chips on the prom and who is likely to fail to make it to the Vegas of The North by either being eliminated this week or next?

You can let me know your thoughts on that or anything else to do with tonight’s show right here in the comments section below (comments will only display on individual posts and do not display on the home page).

Or you can head on over to Facebook or Twitter and let the communities there know your thoughts about tonight’s show. On Twitter please remember to tag @davejthorp in your tweets and include the hashtag #StrictlySpoiler

Each time you get social on any of the social networks or here you earn an entry into the competition to win one of four £20 Amazon UK vouchers I have to give away each and every week. You can also earn entries to win the 4th prize by liking/reacting/sharing/retweeting the spoiler post when it comes in later tonight

As always I will open a poll right here when all 10 couples have danced. You will be able to pick up to 3 favourites.

[poll id=”76″]

Please remember that this site now costs me several hundred pounds each month to provide multiple web servers in order to allow the site to remain up at times of high demand when the spoiler comes in and tens of thousands of you are trying to access the site at the same time. If you can afford to and are willing to help me out with these costs or simply want to buy me a beer you can do so using THIS LINK or you can use the button below

Spoilers have been generally later than normal this series so I’d expect to know something sometime after 22:30 however it could creep to after 23:00 as some spoilers have this series. Though I do have a two for one on spoilers this week as I also have The Children In Need Special Spoiler. As soon as I know it will be posted here and links will go out on all the social media channels. Please do not ask me if I’ve heard anything yet on Facebook/Twitter. If the spoiler isn’t posted here the answer will be no and your messages get lost in amongst the many many other notifications I receive on a Saturday night. Also please don’t spread rumours you read elsewhere either here or on the social channels. The rumours often turn out to be wrong (although they weren’t last week) and I only deal in confirmed spoilers!

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