Strictly Come Dancing 2020 – Week 2 Spoilers

It’s been a long time coming but the first Strictly Spoiler of the 2020 series is finally here on what has already been an eventful day which could have implications on the remainder of the series. More on that later. But you’ve come here for the spoilery goodness and I am only too happy to provide. So here are the results…..

Jacqui and Jamie had to dance off. The judges unanimously saved Jamie. Jacqui was eliminated!

Complaints to the BBC

This week’s spoiler has come from an audience mole sourced by myself and should be accurate.

What do you think of the results? You can let me and the community know your thoughts on that or anything else to do with tonight’s show right here in the comments section or over on Facebook or Twitter.

No prizes for getting involved in the discussion sadly. You can read more about why (though the reasons should be obvious) over on my my FAQ post which also covers a lot of information about what will be happening with this site when we go into Lockdown 2.0.

You can also still vote in this week’s poll and tell me who you voted for with The BBC or who your favourites were. You can as always select up to 3 options (if you voted for more than 3 people pick the three who got more votes from you or your favourite 3). The polling may become important in future weeks for reasons again covered in the FAQ linked above. If you can’t vote sadly the site thinks you are a robot. Theres some tips in the FAQ to get your vote registered

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Strictly 2020 Week 2 - Who got your vote? (choose up to 3)
  • Bill and Oti22.55% (13177 votes)
  • HRVY and Janette16.70% (9757 votes)
  • Maisie and Gorka14.07% (8222 votes)
  • Caroline and Johannes10.32% (6031 votes)
  • Max and Dianne7.01% (4097 votes)
  • Nicola and Katya6.24% (3645 votes)
  • Ranvir and Giovanni6.12% (3574 votes)
  • Clara and Aljaz5.15% (3010 votes)
  • JJ and Amy4.92% (2876 votes)
  • Jason and Luba3.18% (1857 votes)
  • Jamie and Karen2.15% (1258 votes)
  • Jacqui and Anton1.58% (922 votes)

It’s been a tough year for all of us but providing this site is still going to cost me close to £1000 this series. I always stress this on the donation links but it is more important than ever in 2020 that you only consider helping me out with these costs if you can afford to do so. I would not want to cause anyone else hardship because they chose to help me out. However all donations are as ever gratefully received. You can make a one time donation by clicking on THIS LINK or using the button below:

Also new for 2020 you can make a regular donation by becoming a patreon. Donations on patreon start at just the price of a coffee a month and if the patreon page takes off I can start looking at patreon exclusive content/rewards.

There’s also ways you can help me out for free and even make some money yourself by doing so. One way I’ve been plugging on social media a lot these last few weeks is by checking your energy prices and earning yourselves £50 in the bargain by switching using my magic link (you must complete the switch using the link and not just get a quote which you come back to later). Octopus energy have 100% green electricity, are a Which recommended supplier and were one of the few suppliers to maintain a full telephone service during the pandemic. They’re a different supplier to the one I was recommending last series and are definitely worth a look as we head into the colder months.

Switching energy suppliers is quick (it takes about 2 minutes to sign up from my link and usually about 3 weeks for the process to complete), there is no interruption to your energy supply, no engineers have to visit and you don’t need to change you meters (unless you sign up to a smart tariff and don’t have a compatible meter). I get £50 from every switch so this does help me out quite a bit.

Alternatively you can help me out by doing things as simple as liking all my content, sharing it and getting involved in the discussions on the social networks. This all helps to increase my visibility and get me noticed on those networks and is also appreciated!

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