Strictly Come Dancing 2016 – Week 5 Spoilers

The horrors of Halloween Week are just a dance away for the 10 remaining couples with Laura and Giovanni gaining a bye into Halloween Week due to injury. But who has fallen at the final hurdle and won’t be participating in next week’s Halloween Spooktacular? Never fear, you don’t need to wait until the not live results show to learn the fate of your favourite couples because The Strictly Spoiler is on hand to deliver the results that you crave so much. So here are the results:

Lesley and Daisy had to dance off. The judges saved Daisy. Lesley was eliminated!

Complaints to the BBC

This week’s spoiler has come from an audience mole through my usual sources and should be accurate.

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16 Replies to “Strictly Come Dancing 2016 – Week 5 Spoilers”

    1. I agree, however, Ed is more entertaining. Lesley does bloody well for her age, but take the age part away and she’s not a great dancer. I’d rather lose Lesley than most of the others…

      1. But you can’t say take the age part away. That is who she is. If you could take away the age part she maybe absolutely amazing but you can’t.
        Therefore the judging needs to take these factors into account or don’t invite them onto the show. It’s not a level playing field.

        It’s an entertainment show first and foremost and we’re it not for such characters it wouldn’t attract the viewing figures it does.

  1. Not sure how you can fairly judge a 71 year old against a 27 year old with dance experience? This is my one problem with the show (apart from Tess and Craig). No allowance is made for the aged and inexperienced. Strictly needs people like Leslie and Ed. Older and inexperienced for not only entertainment value but also for inspiration.

  2. Ed is still there because the voting has nothing to do with dancing – it’s just how many people you can get to vote for you. I have no issue with Craig – I think he’s always honest & I dislike the way other judges constantly criticise him. He’s allowed his opinion as they each are & they should treat him with respect. I also really dislike Claudia’s terrible jokes. This show used to be adult – it’s now dumbing down. I still love to watch the good dancers though – Ore, Danny & Louise are fab. A very talented line up this year.

    1. My issue with Craig is that he becomes too personal in his comments. A person can’t always help how they look whether they are tall, smile funny or anything else. Judging should be about the dance and not the persons natural features.

      1. But if you notice – despite Craig’s comments he always marks on the dance aspect & fairly. Lens marking is totally inconsistent.

        1. I agree with you but I still don’t like the personal comments he makes. At least when Bruno does it, it’s in connection to the dance and not about the individuals features.
          I think all the judges tend to vote inconsistently, often in conflict with their own comments (and dare I say, depending on the dancer).
          Also, with the exception of last year, why does Anton get all those who don’t stand a chance. I’ll bet you anything that were same sex couples allowed he would have been paired with Ed!!

          1. I feel sorry for Anton & he always takes it with such good grace. Now Ed & Anton – that would be interesting!!!

  3. Sorry to see Lesley go. She represents all those more senior people who waltz the dance floors up and down the country for pleasure week in week out.
    At the same time though, it was a weak dance for her and the best decision from the judges.

  4. Ore’s waltz was totally over marked!
    And dare I say, so was his jive, which was not better than Jay’s.
    Danny and Oti to win!

    1. totally agree, for me Danny has been under marked for the last 3 weeks, Ore is a good dancer but not in the same league as Danny.

  5. Thank you for the Strictly Spoiler! I have to watch NFL on a Sunday night so never get to see the results show so I love I can come here and get the outcome! Loving all the dancers this year….great show as always.

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