Strictly Come Dancing 2016 – Week 3 Discussion/Poll

Week 3 is upon us and Strictly is at the movies for movie week. With movie themed dances for all the remaining participants.

But whose performance was deserving of an Oscar? And who picked up a Golden Raspberry? Join the discussion and let me know by commenting right here in the comments section or join the discussion over on Facebook or tell me what you thought of tonights routines over on Twitter (remember to tag @davejthorp and include #StrictlySpoiler over on Twitter)

Each time you join the discussion you are earning entries into the weekly competition to win a £20 Amazon UK voucher and could also win a Kindle Fire Tablet. Check this post for more details about the competition and all the ways you can enter here

As always a poll will open here once all the couples have danced. Please vote in it and tell me who your week 3 favourites are. As normal you can select up to 3 options

As normal the spoiler should come in sometime after 10pm. Until then there is plenty to discuss and do right here at the home of the Strictly Spoiler or you can head on over to Facebook or Twitter. As soon as the spoiler comes in it will be posted to those networks as well as right here!

Please also give this post some love using the buttons for all popular social networks and Google+ above and below. Your likes and shares help to spread the word about The Strictly Spoiler and are always appreciated!

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15 Replies to “Strictly Come Dancing 2016 – Week 3 Discussion/Poll”

  1. In the early weeks I vote for Anton to keep him in as long as possible. After about 1/2 way through I will have made my choice & vote for that celebrity.

  2. Loved Movie week….have voted…..I can’t believe how Ed Balls is really going for it…so good for him…well done everyone….my favourites Will, Ore, Ed and Claudia…

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