Strictly Come Dancing 2014 – Week 11 (Quarter Final) Spoilers

Sad times here at the original and best home of the strictly spoiler as it is the penultimate time this year I will be posting the spoilers. Yes that’s right, not even the BBC are stupid enough to pre record the final results so next week’s Semi Final will be the final spoiler of the year. It’s been quite a ride, for reasons I’ve gone into previously and will do again during the final spoiler next week. Anyway, enough waffling, you want the results and thanks to the internet, here they are first and before any other spoiler site, not to mention long before the not live results show!

Simon and Pixie had to dance off. The judges saved Simon. Pixie was eliminated!

Judges voted as follows: Craig (Pixie), Darcey (Simon), Bruno (Pixie), Len (Simon)

Complaints to the BBC

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9 Replies to “Strictly Come Dancing 2014 – Week 11 (Quarter Final) Spoilers”

  1. My dearest wishes came true. Pixie was so cocksure and being dance trained since birth it is so much more exciting watching Mark and Simon who both have developed into stars

  2. Yes Totally agree with you Audrey, she thought she was a shoe-in for the final, thank you Dave for letting us know and not making us wait For the result tomorrow x

  3. Apalling She was sensational and I saw no cocksuredness in her whatsoever. She was good and she loved to dance and brought an intepretation and artistry to her performance that the others could only dream of. She was also the most consistent throughout the show. Seems to me that the judges applied a higher standard to her when judging her performance than they did to the others….. Thinking about Jake a few weeks ago when Len said he wasnt technically perfect but his brought energy and gusto to the performance….. And gave him a ten! Pixie’s dance this week was nothing if not energetic and artistic, accepting their points about her inconsistent leg action. Very sad about this.

  4. gutted.. nice one darcy and len!!!pixies 1st dance off.. thats her lott!.. how many has simon been in!!!.. the judges must know she was one of the better celebs for this series.. luv to hear her reaction on results show….. … thanks dave… jake to win!!

  5. I think it has backfired on the show, they always seem to pitch one of the better dancers against one who was not as capable, so it would be plain who would get voted off, not this time!

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